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Kuhn Theatre - Lebanon OR Real Haunts

  • 668 S. Main St.
  • Lebanon, OR
  • (541) 258-5846
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This theater dates back to 1932 and is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a little girl wearing a white dress. She fell to her death from the theater balcony and both visitors and employees have claimed to have heard her laughter. Doors have also opened and closed on their own and the projectionist booth is believed to be another haunted spot in the theater. Staff working in the area report being hugged by an unseen presence.
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  • Modern Forest. The Weed Shop Next Door

    Countless of ghostly encounters have taken place here, two doors down from the Kuhn Theater. Before the burn down, the Kuhn was connected to Barsidious, and what is now called Modern Forest. The Budtenders here at MOFO have all experienced something rather out of the ordinary. Examples are open safes, though they are consistently locked, random objects falling without human touch, cold spots, even deep dark breathing sounds. Someone help us solve this case!!!! The Haunting on Main Street.

    Posted 12/19/18

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  • haunted kuhn theater in lebanon

    unlike the rest of the things i have read... i do NOT recall ever seeing a girl in a white dress. nor do i recall ever being hugged by something unseen.... however, i grew up in this theater. the owner previous to the current owner was my step dad (he raised me). many a day and night were spent here. from gradeschool through middle school and then he left and opened his own theater in corvallis, or.... but i still think of this place often. lights turned off and on, objects moved, you were followed, felt spirit, had your name called out in an empty building.... amidst other activity.

    Posted 8/30/17

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  • Kuhn, Lebanon.

    I live in Lebanon, and have gone to the Kuhn countless times. I, myself, have seen the girl in white. She was sitting at the top of the stairs, next to the women's bathroom, and projection booth.

    Posted 10/31/16

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  • Kuhn in Lebanon

    Id recommend everyone to come to the Kuhn Theatre and see. Lebanon, OR is a great city anyway.

    Posted 10/22/16

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)

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