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Croisan Creek Road - Salem OR Haunted Place

  • Croisan Creek Road
  • Salem, OR
This road is rumored to be haunted by a ghostly little girl who is said to chase a ball that rolls into the road on Friday nights. According to a local legend, the girl was killed on the road by a speeding car. Those that are speeding on the road are said to see the ghost girl and some say a ghostly boy stands at the roadside and wags his finger at speeders. When they pass him and try to look back at him, he is gone.
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  • Croisan Creek Rd. Speeding is possible

    Our family home is still on Croisan Creek so I have driven that road daily. It is very narrow and has some great blind curves with the creek next to you. The road was built with Model T’s in mind, but people haul butt on that road. We’ve pulled many a car out of the creek and or ditch. What you see the most is many deer in the middle of the road, usually a mom and a fawn. Slow down people!!

    Posted 9/5/24

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  • croison

    crashed here a few years ago going 70 into someone at a stop sign

    Posted 6/5/24

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  • To the person of February 2022

    The road is windy dark and narrow. But it is very possible to go over 60 on croisan creek. I myself have done 75 with ease and know people who in regular old cars have gone almost 90. But it is probably not haunted

    Posted 10/16/23

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  • steep driveways on a country road.

    I grew up on this road. Used to party in the house next to that spring. It's very dangerous and I've seen several accidents. My dad even had a couple on this road (The property has been in the family 50+ years). Never saw a ghost but it is a creepy road. It runs along the bottom of a small canyon carved out by the creek and many of the driveways on the east side of the road, mine included, are very steep. Before it was paved, it was common for people to have to park at the bottom of the driveway and walk up. I myself have had many balls go rolling down the hill as a kid. In fact, we had a boulder roll down the hill from above and spook our horses some years ago. I'm sure people see balls roll into the road all the time. Especially around the Nelson Park which is also situated on a hill right next to the road. For the person who said you can't go 60 MPH on this road probably hasn't tried. The speed limit is 35 and it's very easy to let that get away from you. 60 isn't a stretch.

    Posted 4/13/22

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  • ...

    Regarding the person posted in Aug 2021, nobody is driving down this road at 60 mph, lol. It's a narrow road with bends and turns in a residential area. You'd be drunk with a death wish to do 60 so no way that's a trigger for seeing a ghost

    Posted 2/13/22

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  • Salem Native- Its Real.

    Lived in Salem my whole life. The story of the boy and the girl goes back to the 1920s. The girl was the daughter of the Candal Orchard in South Salem. She was killed on Croisan Creek road in 1921? She is most commonly seen near Thistledew Spring on the road. Something about the water and its energy. I've seen her a few times. Some say she will appear in your backset if go above 60MPH.

    Posted 8/14/21

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  • Creepy sensations!!

    After reading about this haunt I decided I wanted to go check it out since it was Friday night and I had nothing else to do. I talked my 20 year old daughter and her boyfriend into coming with me. We were all excited and hoping to see something. Since I was driving and being unfamiliar with this road I had to keep my eyes on the road so I started the video camera on my phone recording right before turning onto the road. As soon as we got onto the road my daughter and I both felt a really creepy sensation and got goose bumps and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I held my phone up and recorded the entire drive down the road. None of us saw anything so we decided to drive up and down the road a few more times. We never ended up seeing anything while driving on the road but when we watched the video I recorded there was what looked like an orb just off the road on the right hand side about half way through the first big curve you come to. I don't know if the orb is for real or just my headlights reflecting off of something but I feel like taking the time to go check it out was totally worth it just for the intensely creepy sensations that my daughter and I both felt the moment we turned onto the road. I'm planning to do it again soon.

    Posted 11/26/20

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  • May have seen the ball.

    My sister on law learned about the legend of the legend of the two children. Also did some digging around to find out about them, no luck, but did find out about another death of an older gentleman in 2016. Didn't see the children but did possibly see the ball. And got some spirit box responses from the older gentleman. So it was definitely not a wasted adventure. ??

    Posted 10/26/19

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  • Never seen anything.

    I've lived literally 1 minute away from that road, and we drove it constantly day and night and not once have I seen anything paranormal...No little girl, no little boy or a ball; maybe I'm just "lucky" or maybe we just never drove fast enough? Lol

    Posted 7/25/18

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Coincidence?

    My Dad lives in Independence, I live in Salem, we visit often and drive this road all the time. Being the paranormal buff I am, I was so excited when I heard about this story online. Shortly after learning about this little "legend" I go to visit my Dad, ready to share the info. Before I can get a word out, he starts telling me about this boy on Crosian Creek that ran out in front of his car chasing a ball. Apparently my Dad swerved out of the way then turned around to warn the kid about playing by the road but all signs of him were gone. It's a little "off" I guess compared to others experiences and it could have just been an odd coincidence but I thought the whole thing was just too weird!

    Posted 5/18/18

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  • The littel girl and boy

    My mom was driving down the road to work she came back with a ball and I ask who is the ball for she said I don't know so we drove back to where she found it as she speed up we sal the little boy. And she stoped for the little girl and we gave her the ball back ??????.

    Posted 3/11/18

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  • I've seen the boy and girl both

    I was driving home from work late on a Friday night. I live right next to that road. I was in a hurry to get home when I came around a sharp bend and saw a girl. She was standing in the road... Soni stopped she ran across and kept driving. The next night I was speeding down croisan and saw a boy waving at me. I heard of this activity from a friend who lives on croisan. So now when I rush home after work I sometimes will see the boy or girl

    Posted 3/26/17

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  • Crossing the road?

    I used to live off of this road, on Heath St. My friend and I were driving, (she was driving) and we both thought we seen someone cross the road and it suddenly got cold..not discussing any paranormal things at all..This happened a few times.

    Posted 12/12/16

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Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (202 days ago)

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