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Mission Mill Museum - Salem OR Real Haunt

  • 1313 Mill St. SE
  • Salem, OR
  • (503) 585-7012
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Museums
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Yes - Open To Public
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This museum features a group of historic buildings that include houses, a church and a mill. Wayne Menzter is a former millwright and he is said to haunt the place. His apparition has been seen, along with that of a woman who runs across a bridge nearby.
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  • Scary Elevator Trip

    For years I used to do catering jobs in the spinning room at Mission Mills. However, one particular evening after an event had ended and all the living souls had left something terrifying happened! I entered the elevator with a cart full of catering supplies and selected floor one. As the elevator began to descend it began to slow but way to early! As the elevator approached the creepy and very dark second floor. My mind began to scream, "please don't stop, please don't stop!" But to my dismay the elevator slowed to a stop and as I closed my eyes and held my breathe praying that nothing was going to be standing on the other side of the elevator door. The ding rang out and the doors began to open! Not hearing anyone enter I opened one eye and since the first floor button was still lite I repeatedly pressed the close door button over and over again until the elevator door finally after a million years slowly began to close. I don't know if anyone got on the elevator with me but I was soooo grateful that was my last load!!

    Posted 8/16/24

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  • Erie feeling

    We have been here a couple (4 times) times over the years and the water mill joust (rite behind the main entrant building) has always made me feel like someone was rite behind me, wondering what I'm looking at. All the hairs on the back of my neck stand. The red mill (largest building) building we have been to for weddings and work party....I have "seen" a woman standin just off to the edge of my preferable vision more than onesix hut, when I turn..nothing. Goosebumps but never a feeling of urgency or danger.

    Posted 9/25/20

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Contact Phone #: (503) 585-7012

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,163
Clicks to Website: 83
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)

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