Old Wheeler Hotel - Wheeler OR Real Haunts
- 495 US-101
- Wheeler, OR
- (503) 368-6000
- Average Review
- (1 review)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Heceta Head Lighthouse2.7 miles away
- Yaquina Bay Lighthouse31.2 miles away
- Sylvia Beach Hotel32.1 miles away
- Spouting Horn Restaurant43.9 miles away
- Bijou Art Cinemas51.9 miles away
- Wildflower Grill52.6 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesTruly Haunted Wheeler Hotel
I’ve had the pleasure of staying in the Wheeler Hotel a couple of times. My first night there I had got up around 2am to use the restroom. When I got back to bed and turned off the light, a very clear voice of a young girl asked “Daddy?”. I said no and went back to sleep. That morning I mentioned it to a couple who were staying on the other side of the hotel. They told me that the night before a little girl stood at the foot of their bed and asked if they would make her a sandwich. The next. time I stayed there I was standing beside a table chatting with some people. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dog come up beside me. When I looked dow at it, it disappeared. It shocked me and I guess I was staring at the spot where it had been and a fellow at the table notice. He asked if I had just seen a dog? It was reassuring that he saw it too. I drew a sketch of the dog and showed it to the owner Katherine. I didn’t tell he I saw it, just that if it was familiar to her. She said “Oh that’s Kirby.” Her dog that had passed in the hotel some years earlier. Katherine said others had seen him around too.
Posted 3/27/233 out of 3 found this review helpful
Contact Phone #: (503) 368-6000
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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3296 days ago)