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Moses Parrot House - Roseburg OR Real Haunt

  • 1772 SE Jackson
  • Roseburg, OR
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This home is infamously haunted and is associated with bad luck. Former residents of the home have reported hearing screams, disembodied footsteps, apparitions and saw bloodstains that wouldn’t go away.
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  • I grew up in this house

    I spent my childhood in this house. All the typical family events were held here (thanksgiving, 4th of July, Christmas and so on). Growing up I never witnessed anything but did hear things like footsteps on the stairs when nobody else was awake. I use to get in trouble for using the dumb waiters instead of the stairs. There are stairs hidden in the walls that take you from the kitchen to the laundry room upstairs. The main dining room is where we kept a grand piano. The winters sucked. Being an old house it didn’t hold heat well upstairs. When it was the coldest when you got up in the morning there would be ice on the toilet water. Lots of great memories there but nothing to cause an ong this house is haunted moment

    Posted 9/11/23

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  • My Family had property there.

    the house right behind the parot house the two story , that belonged to one of my uncles sides of the family . A woman in the family there in one of the world wars would watch for planes , and I can't remember much else . The reason I am posting mainly is to talk about when I decided to actually visit the house myself after hearing all the stories about the one house (parot house.) And the input I got on the house behind it . (My family's old house.) Long story short I felt off I smelled grapes , as I was walking in the vineyard of the parot house and it was winter the grapes were gone and plants were dead. And got a off feeling from the top window , and I decided to sneak around a little (because I'm a mischievous little shit sometimes .) And I found my family's old house. I swear something was specifically in there as well , it was disgustingly evil . I just could feel it and got a quick image of what it looked like and felt like ? It has blood stained claws that were disproportionately long compared to the rest of it's body and it looked filled with hatred . It told me to leave , so I did what anyone smart would do and left . After that I had a horrible string of events happen to me upon something following me home not long after I visited .

    Posted 4/24/23

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  • Seeing a ghost while eating

    When I was having dinner at the parrot house I looked over because I thought I heard a familiar voice and I saw a sort of faded figure it was a women with a long white dress that was dirty like she had been buryed alive. I looked down in disbelief and when I looked back up she was gone. But my sister out of no where said it smelt like dirt.

    Posted 5/9/19

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    10 out of 11 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,659
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3347 days ago)

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