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Hot Lake Hotel - Real Haunted Place

  • 66172 OR-203
  • La Grande, OR
  • (541) 963-4685
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This location once operated as a resort and asylum, which is why many believe it is haunted with a number of ghosts, including former patients and people who reportedly committed suicide here. Various reports of sightings have occurred here, including the ghost of a gardener who allegedly killed himself on the property. Screams have also been heard coming from the former hospital wing and reports of strange sounds have been heard, possibly the mutterings of former patients.
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  • Here at Hot Lake Lodge

    Heard from locals and friends who grew up around La Grande say this building has been known for years to be haunted. It sat vacant and dilapidated for years and was frequented by thrill seekers and ghost chasers. One friend said “you couldn’t pay me to stay over night”. We are staying in a comfortable and sweet room#202 and watched the door shut on its own and a bag aggressively fall off the bed on its own. Could have been nothing, but will report back in the morning if anything happens!

    Posted 8/28/24

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  • Shaking

    I was standing in the lobby and I could feel the floor shaking but nobody else could I asked everyone and they all said they didn't then when I get in the car I'm looking up stuff about this and I found an article were a girl spent the night there and she woke up to her bed shaking

    Posted 3/27/24

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  • Relaxing with a strong supernatural presence

    We stayed overnight in a family suite. I was awakened in the middle of the night because of uneasy feeling of being watched. Also, a hand sanitizer bottle moved by itself; mischievous presence. Met an unusual ghostlike cat. Unearthly sounds throughout the night. Hot springs were great. Loved the hotel's ambience.

    Posted 2/19/21

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (541) 963-4685

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Visitors to this page: 3,618
Clicks to Website: 592
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)

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