Tigard Evangelical Cemetery - Canterbury Hill Cemetery - Tigard OR Real Haunted Place
- Tigard Evangelical Cemetery
- Tigard, OR
- Average Review
- (2 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Cemeteries
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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This location is rumored to be haunted by apparitions and green balls of ghost lights that can be seen when people drive by. Some people have claimed they have also heard screams and howls.
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Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesInvestigated this place and got a face
Yes it is. I didn't pick up anything on my emf reader but did catch a face on video in one of the tombstones. Plan to go back to do a bit more evp work.
Posted 7/6/195 out of 5 found this review helpful
I have been here with my ex-wife, we found this place to have a very spooky air to it. I actually got an electric shock from one of the headstones.
Posted 6/26/195 out of 6 found this review helpful
Share Your Experience or Comments - Tigard Evangelical Cemetery - Canterbury Hill Cemetery
Real Haunt Listing Info
Visitors to this page: 2,269
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3296 days ago)
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