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Dawson House Lodge - Chemult OR Real Haunt

  • 109455 US-97
  • Chemult, OR
  • (541) 365-2232
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The hotel dates back to the early twentieth century, and served as accommodation and as a boarding house for railroad workers and visitors. Previous owners and guests have reported eerie occurrences throughout the building for over 50 years, including ghostly laughter, disembodied footsteps, doors opening and closing by themselves amongst many other strange incidents. The hotel features two rooms that are particularly haunted. In the Trupp Room, guests have reported voices, cold spots and have seen the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned gown. In the Jessup Room, some claim to have encountered an entity who plays with the television, and who has been known to climb into bed with male guests. Shadowy figures have been seen on the porch at night, a young girl running through the hallways and a spectral figure who has been known to appear behind people in mirrors has also been reported here.
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  • Lived there growing up

    Lived there for a few years as a kid. Never saw anything.

    Posted 10/13/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Great Lodge to stay at

    Spent 2 nights here in the Porter Loft 2 adults and 2 kids. Room was very large with full kitchen, 3 Queen beds. 2 sofas. Had no unusual experiences. We would Definitely stay here again.

    Posted 9/2/20

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  • Trupp room slapssss

    Trupp room slapppssssss

    Posted 7/30/20

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  • The place is haunted

    I work at the dawson house I heard footsteps when I'm alone. I'm only 15 and ive been at this place for 7 months and I just now realized how haunted this really is, I heard storys about this place the most haunted room I know is the trupp room footsteps running down the hall and that creepy doll at the end of the stairs I get weird vibes about it.

    Posted 3/7/20

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  • Trupp Room Haunting Confirmed

    We stayed here in August 2015 for one night. We were enroute to Crater Lake and chose to stay here due to it's convenient proximity. We knew nothing about the Lodge or the town, just knew it was available and within our budget. Immediately upon arriving (like in the parking lot) my husband and I looked at each other. A skeptic through and through, he said "Are you scared right now? Because this feels weird." I was nervous, but chalked it up to the dated style, being hungry, and being on the road all day. We went in and were offered three rooms. We chose the Trupp Room (knew nothing about it). We had bags and our dog in the car. Our dog is well traveled and has never had an issue settling himself right down in a hotel. He froze as he crossed the threshold, tail tucked under, and crouched down. We had to drag him up the stairs and into the room. As soon as I entered, I had an image of a woman in an old fashioned dress flash into my mind. I felt that she was standing in a corner watching us. It was 8PM and there were no other lodging options in the area, so I just kept my mouth shut. We went across the street to Subway to grab food and we both commented that there was something extremely creepy, though I said nothing about the woman. Went back, tried to settle down, watched TV, just avoided turning off the lights in spite of being very tired. The dog was restless and upset all night. Around 1AM, we finally agreed to turn off the light and sat there in the dark (pitch dark, btw). My husband reached for my hand and said "I just needed to make sure you were still here...This is scary." I drifted in and out, but was woken at one point by loud footsteps going up and down the hall, our doorknob rattling. We both heard it, but then it stopped. Figured it was late arrivals. Dozed again, but woke up to lights in the room, shining up from what I believed were the floorboards, Okay, I thought, just someone turned the light on down below, go to sleep. I had the sensation that we were going to be locked into the room and unable to get out. I, who have had paranormal experiences since I can remember, was terrified. Dozed off again and woke just before 5AM. My husband woke, too, and asked if I wanted to leave. I was out of bed in seconds, as was he. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I realized it was carpeted and no way was the light that was shining up coming from floorboard cracks. That pushed me faster. We brushed teeth, pulled on clothes, and got out of there. As we carried bags out to the parking lot, we realized there were no other guests there, it was just us...No idea who was walking the hall and pulling on our doorknob. We didn't speak of the incident, it was too intense, for a few more days. Only then did I tell him about the woman who I believe was there the whole night. We then looked up the Lodge and found the stories...Seems like we can solidly confirm the Trupp Room haunting!

    Posted 5/2/16

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3322 days ago)

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