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Dammasch State Hospital - Wilsonville OR Haunted Place

  • Wilsonville, OR
The Dammasch State Hospital in Wilsonville first opened its doors in 1961 as a mental hospital, asylum, and educational center. It was named after Dr. Ferdinand H. Dammasch and was in operation until 1995. The hospital was demolished in 2005, however, it was a well known hot spot for paranormal activity. Witnesses reported hearing strange noises such as disembodied footsteps and keys jangling throughout the halls. The hospital even had a series of underground tunnels that makes it even creepier.

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  • Very real and very scary

    I grew up in Wilsonville a couple of miles away from the hospital when it was still there. Groups of friends would go check it out at night time and it was absolutely terrifying. Not only did you hear creepy things, you could see old blood on walls through the windows and the overall energy was a very eery feeling, like we were not welcome there at all. I only went the once and refused to ever go again. I can’t explain the feeling you get from that kind of energy but it was enough for me to never even think about going back.

    Posted 5/22/23

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  • Scary shit

    They built over the area of the site with houses. after only one year of being built, the builders were mysteriously burned down. It was deemed “ unnatural “. It’s still unsolved to this day. There’s also multiple counts of paranormal activity on the streets surrounding. Including sights of little girls and orbs. Really scary shit

    Posted 1/3/23

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Last edit to this listing: 4/12/2021 (1447 days ago)

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