Can't Figure Out What to Do With All That Excess Halloween Candy? Why Not Give Back by Donating Some to Operation Gratitude!
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November 10, 2017 By Cait

Donate Your Extra Candy to American Troops overseas with Operations Gratitude!
Photo by: Operation Gratitude.
Now that Halloween's come and gone, you probably have an absolute ton of candy at your house, whether it's leftover candy from handing out sweet treats to trick or treaters, or an excess of goodies from your kids Halloween haul, unless you've been feasting on only candy for the past week and a half, it's almost a given that you've got a ton of candy hanging around the house.
So you've got all this Halloween candy - but what to do with it? It seems wasteful to just throw it out, right? Well, that's where Operation Gratitude comes in - every year, they collect leftover Halloween candy, and use it to put together care packages for American troops over seas, so that our heroes can have a sweet taste of home while they're abroad. Last year, Operation Gratitude collected over 533,000 pounds of Halloween candy, and they need your help this year beating last year's record, and collecting even more candy for the troops!
If you've got candy you'd like to donate, head over to Operation Gratitude's Interactive Candy Drop Off Map, where you can find a drop off point in your neighborhood, no matter where in the country you are! In addition to supporting our troops, this is a great way to teach your kids about sharing, and giving back to the community.
If you work with a community group, school, or other organization and you'd like to become a designated drop off point for donated candy, there's still time! Click here to find out more about how you can be added to the Operation Gratitude Candy Drop Off Point Map, and help their efforts in rounding up all of the donated candy this Halloween!
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